Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another Snow Day

My first blog since I have created it, which I think was back in 2007. Anyways many of you especially BH might be wondering what has forced his honor to do so? Frustration! So much frustration that I am posting it from my bb while on my way to the office on Metra.

So here's how another snow day started. After having the best sandwich ever (made by my better half, abbreviated as BH from now on) I left the house with the smile on my face. My BH went through the checklist of things I need to take, and figured out that I forgot my BB. Another reminder how great she is!

Anyways got out and it was snowing pretty heavily. Somehow I made my way through to the Bus Stop. Checked the time and noted that it was 7:27. Following is the timeline of my day so far:
7:30 - The bus was suppose to arrive.
7:31 - Still waiting
7:32 - WTF - Still Waiting
7:33 - Still waiting
7:36 - Still waiting, Freezing, burried in snow, cursing Pace (the bus service)
7:38 - Aah I can see it turning from the cornor
7:39 - got into the bus expecting some kind of apology - but the rude lady didn't even replied back to my good morning .. Which pissed me further off.
7:41 - Stopped to pick up another passenger ... WTF why is she chatting with him, We are running late, We are suppose to be at the train station by 7:48 so that we can catch the 7:51 train 7:42 - Me cursing at her in my heart, and she is still talking to him
7:43 - Atlast we are moving again
7:45 - After a couple of more stops we are on the way again
7:48 - Damn it, she stopped at the green light to let the person coming from the other side take a right, and here we go our signal is red!
7:51 - Got to the train station, and she opened the door by saying that the train is still here.. And a second after she said that, the train left .. And that was the moment when I have decided that I will blog about it
8:05 - Waiting at the train station for the next train
8:08 - Train arrived
8:40 - Typing the post

Pace Lady: Why do you hate me?

Sent from my mobile device

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